Oz Watch

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Oz Watch

Postby from_the_stands » Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:05 am

With yet another ashes defeat looming for the baggygreen, and subsequently yet another Argus-type report on why we continue to lose, I'm starting an Oz watch, keeping an eye on players who I think will come into selection consideration in the next few years. I've divided this into 5 categories; the A list, consisting of players who I suspect Test selection is imminent. The B list consists of players who I think will come into consideration, but are still at least a year or two off. The C list consists of players who are only just appearing on the radar and could be some years away. The D list contains players who might not be obvious selections, but could be Peter Taylor-type from right field selections. The E list are for those players who have played Test cricket, but have been dropped... yet continue to lurk.

The A list;

Alex Doolan (TAS) – 27, 2953 fc runs @ 37.85
I've been banging on about this bloke for about a year. I've seen him bat, I like what I see. He had a stellar summer last season and played for Australia A. Should he continue his form from last season (when Tas lifted the Sheffield Shield), he could well see himself awarded a baggygreen sooner rather than later. He bats at 3 for Tassie, and could do the same for Oz, although I'd like to see him given a run at 5 with Steve Smith moving down to 6.

Josh Hazlewood (NSW) – 22, 65 fc wickets @ 27.43
The “next Glenn McGrath,” as Hazlewood was once touted as being, was pretty unlucky not to get a baggygreen last season, especially for the Perth Test. He's been on the radar for a while now, and with the rate that Oz bowlers break down these days, a call-up must surely be around the corner. My guess is that Hazlewood will get his long awaited Test debut... and then break down.

Fawad Ahmed (VIC) – 31, 56 fc wickets @ 31.44
A lot has been said about this fella. Is he the real deal? The jury is still out, and will probably remain so until he gets a baggygreen, most likely against England, possibly in Adelaide and almost certainly in Sydney. Should he a sensation, well and good, but I'm going to wait and see.

George Bailey (TAS) – 31, 5936 fc runs @ 38.29
OK, I've been talked into this, but it would seem that George Bailey will almost certainly be playing in the Brisbane Test, and will almost certainly be wearing the arm band if/when Michael Clarke's body lets him down once more. I do like Bailey as a cricketer, but I do believe that in an earlier era, he wouldn't have been seen anywhere near the Oz squad. He might just surprise a few folks (including me) when he does get his big chance.

Joe Burns (QLD) – 24, 3901 fc runs @ 39.52
This geeza has been on my radar for a little while, being a key member of a successful Queensland outfit. Somewhat of a quiet achiever, some runs early in the season could see the Queenslander elevated to national ranks, especially should injuries or a loss of form occur to one or two members of the Oz top 6.

The B list;

Jordan Silk (TAS) – 21, 423 fc runs @ 42.30
This kid has some big wraps on him, and the selectors definitely have their eye on him. He's played for Australia A, suggesting that a national call-up could happen fairly soon. Given how young he actually is, I'd like to see him have at least another year in domestic ranks before being thrown to the wolves. I reckon this kid just might turn out to be a bit special, although I've said that before about others who didn't quite get there.

Nic Maddinson (NSW) – 21, 1863 fc runs @ 40.50
I've had an eye on this kid for a couple of years now. I like what I see... a lot. I've always seen him as an opener, but he seems to bat in the middle order for NSW. I'm not sure what that's about. He's played for Australia A, and does have a good fc average, but I do feel as though he is still a year or two away from being ready for Test cricket. If he's managed the right way, I believe he will be a star.

Mitchell Marsh (WA) 22, 930 fc runs @ 20.66 & 38 fc wickets @ 26.00
My prediction for future Test captain, although before that happens, he'll need to start putting some serious runs on the scoreboard. His boozy antics with his brother hasn't helped, or the injuries he's had. Time is on Marsh's side, which is probably just as well because I'd say he is at least two to three years away from Test consideration.

Kane Richardson (SA) – 22, 14 fc wickets @ 33.50
The Sozzies haven't had much to crow about really since the days of Dizzy Gillespie, but this kid just might change all that. He was given a run in the Oz ODI side last summer and I thought he showed signs of developing into a fine international class bowler. For now, Richardson would appear to be a better prospect as a short form bowler, but I just have a hunch about this bloke.

Tom Triffit (WA) – 22, 685 fc runs @ 28.54 – 64 & 2 from 15 FC matches
The transplanted Tasmanian has caught the eye of several, including our very own Eng No7, who has a huge poster of him on his bedroom wall (next to one of Nathan Coulter-Nile). This kid could well be the future of Oz wicket-keeping, but I'd say he has a long wait ahead of him. Even if his native Tasmania applied for independent Test status, he'd still be in the wings for years. Admittedly, he does look decent.

The C list;

Peter Handscomb (VIC) – 22, 776 fc runs @ 29.84
At present, Handscomb would be best described as a fringe player at Victoria. Once David Hussey retires, and one or two players get national call ups, then Handscomb will find himself being a regular for the Bushies. From what little I've seen of him, he looks promising, and can also perform the duties of wicket-keeper. Should he have serious aspirations of playing international cricket, a move interstate might be needed. Maybe one for the future.

William Bosisto (WA) – 20, no fc matches as of yet.
This kid lead the Oz U/19 to the finals of the last youth World Cup. He lead th tournament in averges, and would appear to have a bright future ahead of him. Being based in WA will mean that he'll get opportunities sooner or later. Could be one for the future.

Kurtis Patterson (NSW) 20, 163 fc runs @ 163!
I read somewhere that this kid was compared to a young Brian Lara. If he did develop to be that good a player, I would be very happy. A poor season in Sydney grade cricket last summer, however, has left me wondering about whether or not this kid will actually make it to test cricket. He's young and obviously has talent. I guess what he has between the eyes remains to be seen. Could be one for the future.

Gurinder Sandhu (NSW) – 20, 15 fc wickets @ 17.33
The domestic cricketer of the year last season for the Blues. This kid looks good, and the national selectors have noticed. I reckon he needs a couple of more years before he comes into international consideration. Most likely one for the future.

Ejaz Alavi (VIC) – 17, no first class matches as of yet.
This kid bowled in the nets to the Aussies last year and they raved about him. The left-arm orthadox spinner is being coached by Ray Bright, and became the youngest player to play for the Vic 2nds since Brad Hodge. I reckon this kid is going to be a star.

The D list;

Aaron Finch (VIC) – 26, 1685 fc runs @ 29.56
No stranger to international cricket, not now anyway, Finch could be a dark horse selection at some point, especially if Dave Warner falls by the wayside. Whilst Finch's fc record isn't great, his form in the short forms has shown some very promising signs. He's an attacking batsman with lots of shots. Some decent scores for the Vics will help his cause.

Jon Holland (VIC) – 26, 75 fc wickets @ 39.18
Alright, this really is a dark horse selection, but given that we've seen the likes of Micheal Beer, Dutchy Holland could well find himself being a member of the spinning merry-go-round that has for the most part, been running wild since the retirement of SKW. I can't say that I'm a big fan, but he has had some moments, and the selectors of been looking at him. I'd pencil him in as a definite maybe.

Peter Nevill (NSW) – 28, 1505 fc runs @ 37.62 – 92 & 2 from 31 fc matches
Often plays as a specialist batsman when Brad Haddin is back in the ranks. I like this fella. It's a shame that Haddin, Wade and Paine are all ahead of him.

Chadd Sayers (SA) – 26, 73 fc wickets @ 20.17
OK, these numbers are impressive. A good start to the season for the Sozzies and this fella might just get a baggygreen. He's played for Australia A, so the selectors do have him in their thoughts. I could see the possibility of coming down to a choice between him and Hazlewood. Going by the numbers, Sayers does have the better numbers... but Hazlewood has the advantage of coming from NSW... sigh.

Luke Pomersbach (QLD) – 29, 2354 fc runs @ 37.96
I once had this clown as an eventual replacement for Ricky Ponting at 3 for Australia, but alas, alcohol and other issues got in the way. With a new lease of life in sunny Queensland, Pomersbach has been somewhat of the revelation there. I would like to think that the selectors have noticed, but I'm not holding my breath. If he gets a run in an Australia A fixture, he might just turn a few heads. I rate him highly, irrespective of his lack of grey matter, I still think he could cut it as a Test player.

The E list;

James Faulkner (TAS) – 23, 138 fc wickets @ 22.59 & 1379 fc runs @ 29.97
The medium lefty has played only 1 Test, taking 6 wickets @ 16.33! This fella looks really good, and has shown some impressive form in the short forms of the game. He's not real quick, so playing him as a front-line bowler is risky. I kind of feel that for Faulkner to have a long and fruitful Test career, Australia will have to play with 5 batsmen, with the wicket-keeper batting at six and Faulkner being the 5th bowler. I tend to think that he'll spend quite a bit of his time serving the drinks, which is a great shame. I hope I am wrong.

Usman Khawaja (QLD) – 26, 4425 fc runs @ 40.59
This bloke has been hopelessly managed by CA. Earlier in his career, I felt that he had the potential to be one of the great players of his generation. He still could be, but I'd say his next chance is a while off. He needs to have a bumper season for the Bulls, and then needs an extended run in the Test side against some of the lesser teams, in order to show what he is capable of doing. I see Usman Khawaja as being the next Test captain after Michael Clarke retires, and being eventually succeeded by Mitchell Marsh.

Jackson Bird (TAS) – 26, 109 fc wickets @ 20.77
This guy has been a revelation for Tassie, and had initial success when he finally came into the Test side, although he did suck rather badly in the match he played against England. When Australia are at full strength, Bird is on the bench. But with break downs that do occur, he will get game time. I like him. Having him on the shelf means that the Oz bowling stocks are pretty healthy... for want for a better term.

Phil Hughes (SA) – 24, 7832 fc runs @ 44.75
Once touted as the next best thing (by me), Hughes hasn't quite found his feet at Test level yet. He's been tried and tested... and dropped three times. Time is on his side. He does have talent, but he also has some obvious flaws that have been exploited by opposition bowling attacks. I still think he has a huge future ahead of him, but I do think that he now has to wait until Chris Rogers retires or Dave Warner gets dropped before he gets his next chance.

Shaun Marsh (WA) – 30, 4489 fc runs @ 35.87
This guy really annoys me. He was born with talent, and yet he's pi$$ing it away. His Test career started with a century on debut, and then it was downhill from there. If he grows up, he might just get another chance at some point. For now, he'll have to try his luck in the short forms of the game.

Tim Paine (TAS) – 28, 3067 fc runs @ 31.61 – 175 & 9 from 63 fc matches
Possibly the unluckiest cricketer in Australia right now. Having returned to the game following his injury, Paine now finds himself in third place behind Haddin and Wade, but I just reckon he might sneak ahead of Wade in this coming season... maybe. I've seen live a couple of times and I really like what I see. Wade possibly edges him in batting, but Paine is definitely a better glove man.

Matthew Wade (VIC) – 25, 3403 fc runs @ 39.56 – 238 & 8 from 68 fc matches
I do like Wade the short form version of the player, but I'm not so keen on him in Test matches. A dropped catch in Adelaide last year cost us a series win over South Africa, something I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive him for. The selectors obviously like him. He's no Gilchrist, but he can bat. Brad Haddin won't last forever, so I guess we'll see Wade back in the test XI at some point, unless Tim Paine comes in from the cold.

Mitchell Johnson (WA) – 31, 342 fc wickets @ 30.57
On his day, a world beater, on any other day, absolutely woeful. The much maligned Mitchell Johnson is one of the most frustrating cricketers going around at the minute. He could have been great, but with a dodgy radar and a habit of succumbing to the yips, MJ finds himself these days on the periphery of the Test squad, getting an annual call-up for the Perth Test. He's in trouble in 2015.

Cameron White (VIC) – 30, 7801 fc runs @ 40.21
I have a sneaky feeling that we haven't seen the last of Cameron White in the Test arena. The memory of his disastrous appearance in Test cricket still lingers, but with a solid domestic season, backed up by his already good record, he might just find himself back in there should Clarke fall to injury, and the likes of Smith and Bailey fall foul of the selectors. A bit of a long shot maybe, but stranger things have been known to happen.

Trent Copeland (NSW) – 27, 186 fc wickets @ 24.18
I really don't know what this guy did wrong. He burst onto the scene at NSW, received a national call-up, was dropped soon after and seem to disappear from the face of the earth! Given how quickly he was dispensed with, I'm not expecting to see him back in Oz colours any time soon.

Ben Hilfenhaus – 30, 342 fc wickets @ 28.55
I must admit, I do like Hilfy, who is a workhorse with a decent record. When he's on song, he's world class, but when he isn't, he's less than average. The round arm action that seem to creep into his game ruined him. I'm not so sure we'll see him back in Oz colours any time soon, but with the rate that our bowlers break down, you never know.

Rob Quiney (VIC) – 31, 3595 fc runs @ 35.24
Strangely enough, when I've seen this guy playing domestically, he looks decent. His record for the Vics is handy, and he does boast the best 9 at Test level that you'll ever see! He would have to score an absolute truck load to get another Test gig. It could happen... but I hope it doesn't.

Glenn Maxwell (VIC) – 25, 1221 fc runs @ 39.38 & 35 fc wickets at 35.22
This bloke looks very promising and I think will become a regular feature across all formats in the years to come, especially if he stays healthy and keeps his head screwed on the right way.

Ashton Agar (WA) – 20, 34 fc wickets @ 36.02 & 474 fc runs @ 33.85
This kid blew in from out of no where to register the highest score by a Test debutante batting at 11, and watching it was just awesome. As a bowler, he's ok, although nothing special. He might develop into a fine player in the years to come. He was compared to Daniel Vettori. If that happened, I'd be very happy. He's not quite there yet.

Moises Henriques (NSW) – 26, 2150 fc runs @ 31.61 & 86 fc wickets @ 28.00
When this guy captain the Oz youth team some years ago, I had big hopes for him. He got his big chance in India, but didn't exactly set the world on fire and has been since cast into the cricket wilderness.

Xavier Doherty (NSW) – 30, 126 fc wickets @ 45.07
I've tried really hard to like this guy, but he's rubbish and his numbers back that up. I hope we never see him in Oz colours again.

John Hastings (VIC) – 27, 92 fc wickets @ 26.29
This guy has a pretty decent domestic record playing for Victoria, and has won a swag of awards in Australia, including the young Bradman cricketer of the year award a few years back. I do like him, but in my opinion, he's not quite Test standard and I really have to wonder how on Earth the selectors gave him the nod for Perth last year... ahead of Jackson Bird and Josh Hazlewood.

Michael Beer (WA) – 29, 70 fc wickets @ 40.05
No more Beer please! I can't believe this guy even got a run. Given how depleted our spinning stocks are, I can't help but feel that we haven't seen the last of this fellow... but I really hope we have.

Andrew McDonald (SA) 32, 201 fc wickets @ 28.64 & 4573 fc runs @ 39.76
Sadly for Mr Ronnie McDonald, I fear that we have seen the last of him in Oz colours, which is a shocking shame. The all-rounder has long done the business for the Bushies, and will now be plying his trade for South Australia.

Pat Cummins (NSW) – 20, 22 fc wickets @ 29.81
OK, so he wasn't dropped, but injury has been a huge problem here. Pat Cummins is a unique talent and the Oz medical team need to find a way of fixing the fragile youngster and keeping him healthy. He destroyed South Africa in his only Test appearance to date. We could really use him against the Poms this summer, but alas injury keeps him sidelined for the time being.

James Pattinson (VIC) – 23, 120 fc wickets @ 23.84
OK, so he wasn't dropped either, and similar to Cummins, injury has been a problem. This guy has three things that a good fast bowler needs; talent, pace, and agro. Through in some fitness and this bloke could be a superstar!

First XI for Brisbane;

Chris Rogers
Dave Warner
Shane Watson
Michael Clarke (c)
George Bailey
Steve Smith
Brad Haddin
Mitchell Starc
Peter Siddle
Ryan Harris
Nathan Lyon
James Faulkner (12th man)

Australia A;

Phil Hughes
Luke Pomersbach/Aaron Finch
Usman Khawaja (c)
Joe Burns
Alex Doolan
Glenn Maxwell
Tim Paine/Matthew Wade
Mitchell Johnson
Chadd Sayers
Jackson Bird
Fawad Ahmed
Andrew McDonald (12th man)

Development XI:

Nic Maddinson
Peter Handscomb
Jordan Silk
Kurtis Patterson
William Bosisto
Mitchell Marsh (c)
Ashton Agar
Tom Triffit
Pat Cummins (if fit), or Gurinder Sandhu
Josh Hazelwood
Kane Richardson
Scott Henry (12th man)

"Hey, doll. Could you scare up another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low grade dog food. I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it." Al Czervik, aka Rodney Dangerfield in "Caddyshack" (1980)

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Re: Oz Watch

Postby Arthur Crabtree » Mon Oct 21, 2013 5:35 pm

A report I read a while ago suggested Starc wouldn't be fit for the Ashes?

Good read.
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Re: Oz Watch

Postby sussexpob » Mon Oct 21, 2013 9:51 pm

:thumb Thanks for that, good and very informative summary!!

Some points based on my own view:

Tim Paine - Personally dont think he looks that good with bat in hand, and long term I could see him struggling.... wouldnt consider him to be a much better keeper than others around, and Wade is clearly the better batsman.... and as Australia NEED runs in that middle order especially, I would be picking Wade every day... Haddin's average in the 20's didnt cop it in the last series.

MacDonald.... does he really average nearly 40 with the bat? If so, shouldnt he have played 50 tests by now? Do the Aussie selectors not realise he was cloned in a lab from a strand of Shaun Pollocks hair?

Hazlewood... when I have seen him in youth cricket, he looked like a miserly bowler, and that nagging line and length along with his physicality was enough for many world class bowlers. When I have seen him play his handful of International games, he looked to have lost that slightly.... definately a prospect, but needs a few years.

Bailey - has to play imo.

Neil Maddinson - Very shocked(I said this on the IND v AUS thread) if he doesnt get picked for the up coming Ashes.

Pomerbasch - I have more chance representing Australia.

Faulkner - Put simply, unless you consider him a specialist bowler, dont bother picking him. The balance of the squad means that you are either dropping a better strike bowler, or dropping a batsman, and like at the Oval, Australia cant expect him to bat as high as 6

Cameron White - Would have picked him in about 2010.

Shaun Marsh - As a test match bowler, I would back myself to get him out everytime..... you say he pissed away talent, I say he thrived in lieu of lack of talent. No balance at the crease, a weakness to the full inswinger, an lbw candidate all day long, and should be hidden as far down an order away from the new ball as possible.
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Re: Oz Watch

Postby from_the_stands » Sun Nov 03, 2013 8:33 am

sussexpob wrote:Pomerbasch - I have more chance representing Australia.

Do you bowl leggies? More importantly, can you bat? :dunno
"Hey, doll. Could you scare up another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low grade dog food. I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it." Al Czervik, aka Rodney Dangerfield in "Caddyshack" (1980)

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Re: Oz Watch

Postby from_the_stands » Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:00 am

With the first round of Sheffield Shield matches over, a brief update on the players in my A-list;

Alex Doolan - the star of the round with 56 and 132. If he can score runs against Queensland this week, he could find himself replacing an injured Twatto.
Josh Hazlewood - a slow start to the season for him with figures of 1/44 & 1/45, picking up the wickets of Alex Doolan and Ed Cowan.
Fawad Ahmed - took 6 wickets in the first dig against the Wuzzies, then went wicketless in the second.
George Bailey - has been scoring a bucket load of runs in India, and is favourite to play in Brisbane.
Joe Burns - made 51 in Queensland's only innings, where he was upstaged by an effort of 129 from Peter Forrest.

The B listers didn't fare so well;

Jordan Silk - made a pair.
Nic Maddinson - 15 & 35 opening the batting with Dave Warner.
Mitchell Marsh - didn't play for WA and instead played for the chairman's XI against the Poms. Made some runs. Needs to get back into the sate XI.
Kane Richardson - didn't play for SA.
Tom Triffit - didn't play for WA but did take a bagful of catches for the chairman's XI.
"Hey, doll. Could you scare up another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low grade dog food. I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it." Al Czervik, aka Rodney Dangerfield in "Caddyshack" (1980)

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Re: Oz Watch

Postby from_the_stands » Wed Dec 18, 2013 11:09 am

An update on the Oz talent pool with the domestic season at the halfway mark...

The A list;

Alex Doolan - 391 runs @ 39.10, with a HS of 132. Will be playing for the Renegades in the BBL.
Josh Hazlewood - 2 wickets from one match earlier in the season. Has recovered from his injury and will be playing for the Sydney Sixers in the BBL.
Fawad Ahmed - 14 wickets @ 34.07, in a season where spinners are doing well. Steve O'Keefe & Johan Botha lead the way in that department. Will be playing for the Renegades.
George Bailey - currently in the Test XI. Oz media is generally supportive of him, but don't see him being there long term. Will be in the ODI XI, and guesting for the Hurricanes.
Joe Burns - 305 runs @ 50.83, with a HS of 102. Did miss a game, and subsequently sits behind Peter Forest, Chris Lynn and Luke Pomersbach. Will be playing for the Heat.

The B list;

Jordan Silk - 421 runs @ 35.08, with a HS of 107, with two centuries. Will be playing for the Sydney Sixers in the BBL. Definitely one to keep an eye n.
Nic Maddinson - 418 runs @ 38.00. Will be playing for the Sydney Sixers.
Mitchell Marsh - 307 runs @ 37.38 & 7 wickets @ 36.14, will be playing for the Scorchers.
Kane Richardson - 7 wickets @ 40.85, currently skippering the magoo's. Will be playing for the Strikers.
Tom Triffit - been in the magoo's all year. Did play for the chairman's XI. Will be playing for the Hurricanes.

A couple of new players have popped up on the radar;

Travis Head (SA), 19 years of age, with 466 runs @ 42.36 this season. Currently batting at 3 for SA and is a wk, but isn't keeping currently.
Ryan Carters (NSW), 23 years of age, with 428 runs @ 61.14, with a HS of 154. Is currently the wk for NSW, and will be playing for the Thunder. Is originally from the ACT.

Stay tuned for further updates.

"Hey, doll. Could you scare up another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low grade dog food. I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it." Al Czervik, aka Rodney Dangerfield in "Caddyshack" (1980)

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Re: Oz Watch

Postby sussexpob » Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:49 pm

Who in your opinion is the man to step up? I know you were favourable of Silk and Doolan, but from what you say neither have smashed the selectors doors down... also seems that Hazlewood is pretty injury prone
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Re: Oz Watch

Postby SaintPowelly » Wed Dec 18, 2013 1:59 pm

How is Maxwell getting on ??
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Re: Oz Watch

Postby from_the_stands » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:45 pm

sussexpob wrote:Who in your opinion is the man to step up? I know you were favourable of Silk and Doolan, but from what you say neither have smashed the selectors doors down... also seems that Hazlewood is pretty injury prone

It's hard to say... given whether or not the selectors are thinking short term ( as seems to be the case with the likes of Rogers & Bailey), or a longer term possibility. In the short term, possibly Cameron White or Marcus North would appear to be banging on the door, but it's unlikely to be North, given the death of one of his siblings a couple of weeks ago. The Oz media seem to have Alex Doolan as the next man in, but with these selectors (who plucked Ashton Agar out of no-where), the answer to your question might well be Joe Burns from Queensland. If he gets a gig in the ODI series, then he might be a possibility to tour South Africa. Should Chris Rogers retire at the end of this series, and he hasn't said anything, then I would expect Phil Hughes to come back in... again.

Bowling wise, I don't think we'll see anyone new for a while, unless a plague of injuries occur (which could happen). With Starc, Pattinson, Bird and Cummins all on the side lines, if a new bowler came it, I reckon it would be Chadd Sayers from South Australia. Doug the Rug and Nathan Coulter-Nile were on standby for Perth, but I reckon if push came to shove, Sayers would be the man with the inside running. He is the leading wicket taker for quicks, and his unfancied team (who play at the most batsmen friendly ground in the southern hemisphere) are on top in the Sheffield Shield! Some in the media still mention Ben Hilfenhaus, but he's having a shocker, having taken only 5 wickets from 4 matches @ 65.60! I tend to think that Josh Hazlewood has fallen back to the pack somewhat. He's still young, so time is on his side.

Should Rogers, Haddin and Harris retire after Sydney, and no body broke down in the mean time (like that's going to happen) my XI for the first Test against the South Africans would be as follows;

Dave Warner (Luke Pomersbach should Warner not get rubbed out for taking a swing at one of the Saffas in a bar, and Pomersbach not get arrested for something similar - LP has 357 runs @ 89.25 this season from 2 matches)
Phil Hughes (Nic Maddinson maybe, if Phil does a Phil and get dropped yet again.
Shane Watson (Alex Doolan should Twatto break down, or possibly James Faulkner in a re-shuffled batting line-up.)
Michael Clarke (Joe Burns or Doolan (if he isn't covering Twatto) should Pup's back pack it in.)
Steve Smith (Glenn Maxwell behind Smith)
George Bailey (Doolan, or Cameron White behind Bailey... or Mike Hussey in a stunning come back!)
Ryan Carters (if his form continues... he's the leading run scorer from NSW so far... or Tim Paine)
Mitchell Johnson (Chadd Sayers should something happen to Mitch's mo, or maybe Doug the Rug)
James Pattinson (Mitchell Starc when Pattinson breaks down after the second Test)
Peter Siddle (no back-up needed for this fella, he's a Victorian!)
Nathan Lyon (back up spinner likely to be Fawad Ahmed... or Steve O'Keefe in a surprise selection... or even Ashton Agar)

I hope that is clear enough for you.
"Hey, doll. Could you scare up another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low grade dog food. I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it." Al Czervik, aka Rodney Dangerfield in "Caddyshack" (1980)

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Re: Oz Watch

Postby from_the_stands » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:50 pm

SaintPowelly wrote:How is Maxwell getting on ??

He's not having his best summer, he has 200 runs @ 25 from four matches, which isn't great. I'm expecting him to see some ODI action this summer, so he might do a Bailey and get noticed that way, or he'll have to settle for playing for the Melbourne Stars. There was a piece by Allan Border, I think it was, who suggested that Maxwell had the potential to develop into a KP type player. If so. mobile phone companies in Oz will be queuing up for him to endorse them!
"Hey, doll. Could you scare up another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low grade dog food. I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it." Al Czervik, aka Rodney Dangerfield in "Caddyshack" (1980)

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Re: Oz Watch

Postby sussexpob » Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:59 pm

Marcus North would appear to be banging on the door, but it's unlikely to be North, given the death of one of his siblings a couple of weeks ago.

Marcus North is the lbw candidate of the century!! Seriously going backwards there. As for Doug the Rug, I would have thought a fit Doug would at least be in the squad. I was never impressed with Hazlewood anyway, even when his stock was high in the Under -19 world cup team. Looked like a bit of a trundler to me, the typical build that succeeds at youth level simply because of his body size.

Did you really say Phil Hughes... as in, really?
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Re: Oz Watch

Postby shankycricket » Tue Dec 24, 2013 2:00 pm

Haddin has committed himself till the 2015 WC.
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Re: Oz Watch

Postby andy » Thu Dec 26, 2013 11:22 am

Doolan's time could well come when Clarke decides to call it a day..and with his dodgy back it could be sooner, rather than later!
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Re: Oz Watch

Postby from_the_stands » Thu Dec 26, 2013 12:22 pm

cricketfan90 wrote:Doolan's time could well come when Clarke decides to call it a day..and with his dodgy back it could be sooner, rather than later!

I reckon Clarke will retire after the next Ashes series in 2015, aged 34. Should his form still be good, his back holding on and results going his way, he may even hod out for the Test play off two years after that. And if he does that, he may even hold on for one last summer at home and another crack at the Poms.
"Hey, doll. Could you scare up another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low grade dog food. I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it." Al Czervik, aka Rodney Dangerfield in "Caddyshack" (1980)

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Re: Oz Watch

Postby from_the_stands » Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:17 am

from_the_stands wrote:
cricketfan90 wrote:Doolan's time could well come when Clarke decides to call it a day..and with his dodgy back it could be sooner, rather than later!

I reckon Clarke will retire after the next Ashes series in 2015, aged 34. Should his form still be good, his back holding on and results going his way, he may even hod out for the Test play off two years after that. And if he does that, he may even hold on for one last summer at home and another crack at the Poms.

Alex Doolan has been called up to the Test squad. It remains to be seen if he'll play, but I reckon he's a nailed on certainty to tour South Africa, and will surely receive his baggygreen in 2014.
"Hey, doll. Could you scare up another round for our table over here? And tell the cook this is low grade dog food. I've had better food at the ballgame, you know? This steak still has marks from where the jockey was hitting it." Al Czervik, aka Rodney Dangerfield in "Caddyshack" (1980)

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